Vaucluse PS 2023
PROBLEM OF PRACTICE: Are we supporting our students to think mathematically? The resources for this round highlight the importance of the task for mathematical learning. The pre-reading was a short extract from "Visible Learning in Mathematics" by Hattie et al. The presentation continued the focus on the working mathematically processes of problem solving and reasoning. |
Strathfield North PS 2023
PROBLEM OF PRACTICE: What are the qualities of rich mathematical tasks? This round highlighted the place of productive struggle in mathematical leaning and linked this to the Launch - Explore - Summarise model. Readings by Mariane Pasquale, James Russo and Peter Sullivan deepened the network's understanding about the role of challenge in rich mathematical experience. |
Burwood PS 2023
PROBLEM OF PRACTICE: Are our mathematics lessons worthwhile? The resources for this round highlight the importance of reasoning and problem solving and the differences between these two critical mathematical skills. |
Enfield PS 2019 PROBLEM OF PRACTICE: Are we supporting our students to think mathematically? - Are students showing their mathematical thinking using the WM processes of reasoning, problem solving & communicating? - Is our teacher questioning assessing and promoting mathematical thinking and reasoning? - Are our tasks challenging and supporting all learners? Are students learning rather than doing? |
Old Guildford PS 2019
PROBLEM OF PRACTICE: Is learning in Maths visible to our students and to our teachers? - Do students understand what they are learning and how to be successful? - Are they using mathematical language to communicate their understanding? - Is feedback moving the learning forward? |
Granville East PS 2019
PROBLEM OF PRACTICE: To what extent are we developing mathematicians? - Is there a focus on a big idea to develop conceptual understanding? - Are we designing challenging tasks that provide opportunities for a range of responses? - Are students communicating, reasoning and problem solving? |
Old Guildford PS 2018
PROBLEM OF PRACTICE: Are we developing students who are logical, creative problem solvers? - Do the tasks we set allow for the development of Working Mathematically processes? - Are there opportunities for students to communicate their mathematical understandings to other students and the teacher? - Are we using the assessment for learning cycle to make learning visible? |
Old Guildford PS 2017 PROBLEM OF PRACTICE How effectively are we engaging our students in mathematical learning? - Are our teaching practices developing confident, proactive attitudes towards maths? - Are we providing appropriate opportunities for them to use Mathematical processes of reasoning, problem solving and communication? |